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the standouts in this game. Joe scored three 1Ql.lchdowns, one on a spectacular gO-yard PUIll rcuu-n. The final score was 25-6. Franklin ami Marshall. a new addiuon to die srjiedulc, gave Ihe "Hfllroppcrs" a might.y scare on November 12. F. and J\L proved to be stubborn and The Terrors scored in the second and periods on end runs. F. and M. came back ill the final period to make Ihe score 12-6. "I'he Terrors were Tullai gets some good blocking the dust had cleared, Ihe Terrors had won They registered 17 first downs, to the Mourn's three. October 29 ushered in another Homccom- ing weekend. Hampden-Sidney proved 10 be no match 1'01' the high-stepping Terrors, who were out LO keep up Ihe western Maryland uadiuon of never having lost a Homecoming' game. Giannelli, Corrado, and AI Paul were hurt by the loss of Bill Kern, who had been injured. On November 19, we traveled 1,0 Home- wood LO meet Johns Hopkins. Allhough we had already been assured or the Mason-Dixon Conference Championship, the Green and Gold was out 1.0 last year's 7-G loss to Hopkins. All season Fieldman l(i2
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