Page 173 - YB1950
P. 173
WRESTLING Despite the apparently poor performance as After dropping the first match to Gallaudet far as the record of western Maryland's mat 32Y2-7yz, tile Terrors came back to defeat team is concerned, the team showed m a rked Baltimore U. by an 18-16 score. After an improvement as the year progressed. Of the 18·18 draw with Loyola, the team mel keen eight men, led by Captain John Silber, only comperiuon ~nd dropped the next three three were lcnermen. Bil! Kern, unlimited matches 10 Towson, Bucknell, :l~ld George- class, was unable to participate because of an town, the last two being ollt·o[-conl"crencc injured shoulder. This was a big blow to the matches. The Green team also lost to Catholic team's morale and to the chance of a Mason- U. in the last meet of the season. Dixon crown. However, he willingly gave his Of the ten keymen on this year's squad, lime to coach the aspirants, and did a fine only three graduate before next year's "grunt job of producing some rille material for the and groan" season rolls around. Those grad- future. oaung are coach and Mason-Dixon heavv. weight .champion Bill Kern, 175 pounder John Silber, and manager Ray Dow. Hob Wilsey. now a veteran of three Green and Frank Wilsey momentarily gains advantage of Talbot of • Catholic U. Cold mat campaigns, will be back next year :~,n~~rn~lt~~e ~~~~I~~~SxtO~e~:.e\\:~~-1)~~~~~tll~,~l~ Shane, 121 pounder; Frank Wilsey. 13fi pounder: Bill Burtgis, who turned ill several fine performances at 14.1 pounds: Marvin Seigel in the 15:'> pound class; jack Rail, Ifir, pound strong hoy: and heavyweight Mike Chirigios: who plans 1.0 work down. to J 7.5 pounds [or next season. The proal of this year's squad will be in the victories of. [he mat team in the next two years.
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