Page 172 - YB1950
P. 172
First r01~'; \Y. Bang-is. L. Pi~lr()fonc. R. Robbins. J. Culhane. H. C'llllpbcli. Sec,mi/ mll':, w. Huber. 1-1. LeFew, R. Cushing; R. Clower, B. Sandler, J. Keenan, O. jones, G. Willfrc)" R. Treadwa)'. Thml rom; J. n. Roberts, W. Rho;,d~. J. Marsh. ~l. Chaudlcr. J Goode, A. Grimes. V. Landau. W. 1I01II"q";II, H. E;Il'iL R. xcucus, R. Douglas, J. Hackman. I'. Ullrig SOCCER western Maryland's varsity SOCC(:I team each getting their second goal of the garne average showed a slight increase over the pre- and these pushed the final count to a lopsided vious year's. The Terrors broke fast from the 5-2. Keuells totaled seven goals for the sea POSt as they edged the Navy JayVee 2-1 in an son while Winfrey got five. overtime contest. After Drexel whipped the Coach Phil Uhrig, in .his first year at \VIVIC, Green 4-1, Delaware took it 1-0 decision on is to be commended lor keeping the team a penalty shot in the last quaner. It~ the driving hard at all limes. Post-season honors Baltimore U. game, the Tenors scored quickly, went to Al Grimes who was a candidate [or but the future Conference champs inflicted a All-American From the South: George win. 4-1 defeat. \Vith a one-point lead, our team frey, who wok l'vliddle Atlantic laurels; and held Bucknell scoreless for some sevcmy co-captains Jim Hackman and HOllier Earll minutes. Then the Bisons found the range who again repeated on t.he Au-Maryland and poured three into the nets before the outfit. final whistle. Strong defensive play by Towson Teachers subdued the Green line as the former won a hotly-contested game 2-1. Breaking out of Campbell races for the ball. their {our-game losing streak, the Terrors squeezed past Gettysburg in another overtim~ 1-0, as jim Culhane rammed a rebound or George Winfrey's shot back imo the cage. As the last opponent 01 the season, arch-rival Hopkins paid a visit to the Hill. Although the first half was scoreless, the third quaner was quite different. In less than six minutes the home team scored three times and Hop- kins hit for one. The Jays tallied again late in Ihe quarter but this ended their threat. The last quarter saw Kettel!s and Winfrey