Page 164 - YB1950
P. 164
Wolfe, Mgl'., L Larhroum. W. Kern. E. Ransford. H. Bush. J. Dyke. J. GiaTlnelli. C. Kol>(>~ko . •\, Paul, H. Corrado. J- Cortcro. V. H;lIc. ~r(4l'.. A. Truitt. ~Igr. St;C(w(/ rour: S. Pictduuur. t\. Tsonlcs H ,\ioiesworlh, F, Krausz, W, H;,,'l, M. Chirigios. 1\1. Tullai, E. FrallK, F. Llgurauo. L. ~rClTill. J. Sgariglio. 1'. Tcreshinski. I. Zcpp. I' Welliver, W. Hajduk, S. AlbriLlai". M FOiles. 1':. Rydzell'ski, H. N01"ma11. A Marj},rila, FOOTBALL September 1949 brollght us back once more Coach Havens, and advisory coach Harlow, 1.0 \V.M.e. we were not the nrsl ones here. hud only Hi lcuermcn rClllrning this season. though, for t.he football team had been here Thus the big problem was finding material three weeks geuing rid of that "summer LO bolster the "forward wall." Several new- weight' and taking rhe kinks (JUt of lillie used comers such as walr Han, and ('x-'47 Terror muscles in preparation for tile best season the John Sgariglio, appeared and plugged up the Terrors have had since 1935. gaps at end and guard. One of the big factors ill the Terror u-iumphs was the playing of SUm Ficldman at fullback and Sid Albriuain at end. More than once Stan drove throug·h for much needed gains. Once more Joe Giannelli starred in (his, his last year. Joc was Stale high scorer with 60 points. . The season opened with Dickinson COllege on September 2'1 ar Carlisle, I'a. The Terrors exploded LO the wile of 27-7. Iv/itd] Tullai proved himself in this contest. AlthOllg-h this was his first varsity game, he showed the speed and deceptiveness of a polished veteran. For the third su-aighr year Gellysburg's Bul- lets were the ones that. upset the Terror apple- Coach HaveM cart, this time by a score of 21-0. The Bullets' 11;0
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