Page 128 - YB1950
P. 128
,\1. 1'1115, I' Kell)", M. While, M. Rice, 1'. Shear, E. Price, t\ Hellnen, 1\1. A. t\lllUSS. D. c.. jones E. zscs. K. Ol~wilcr. GLEE CLUB One of the most popular musical organiza- mas carols W,!S sling by the Glee Club wirh uons at Western JVlaryLind College is the glee such be,HlI,}, that everyone was irnpressed hy dub. The Girls' Glee Club, which is undel the prcsemauon. Following this, there wen; the direction of Miss Grace Cordia Murray, numbers performed by children of the wllege was organized for the pllrpose of developing faculty. it keen appreciation of great music written On April 12, tile spring schedule began and arranged for women's voices. Once it with a performance for the \Veslminster LiOlIS week, 011 Tuesday afternoons, about fifty girls Club. 011 the program this year was secular who (Ire interested in choral singing niece in musk ranging frOl)] old English madrigals Levine J'vlllsic Hall for rehearsal to a song by the contemporary composer, Paul Each year the Glee Club presents a Christ- Hindemith. mas program in i'vlcDanicJ Lounge for the The music of the Glee Club is a source or members of the American Association of Uni- enjoyment not only to the COllege audiences vcrshy women. This year the program con. hut to olltside alldiences <1., well. sisted of two parts. First a grOllp of Christ-
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