Page 123 - YB1950
P. 123
GOLD BUG This headline doesn't fit! Where arc the EDITORIAL STAFf pins? How can I get five 1110re inches? There's no glue! Edi/ol'·ill-Cflie! Bill Porter TIle above jU11l.ble indicates arl<.!ther Cold 1'h.\'(lI'ill/e Edi/rll Nuncy wmketmau Bug having gro\\:lng pains. But In _spite of 11 major crisis with cvcrv issue, Editor Bill MfUlflgillg Erlitnrs ... Mickey Hardcster Porter and his staff managed to publish a sue- Joanne Koehler cessfu! student paper. Edward Nordby Last Iall, along with other Maryland col- Fcoturc £dilOI .. LOllis Pierrofonc leges. Wcstcrn i\Iaryland's paper was invited !VI'IIIS LOwrite and make up a page in thc jJat/i'llOre SUllday Amcvimn, Members (If the staff who went to Baltimore had a challce to sec ,I big Slml'l" Eduors Peggy Brown paper behind the scenes Blackie Brandt And on November 5, with the aid of some COl)' t_'dilrll Sian ley Bowlesby corn shocks. brown paper, paint lind imagi- nation. Gill Gym was turned into Dog Patch Ty/!i!lg Ed//IJI' Joyce Schmidl for the annual Sadie Hawkins Day Dance. Second semester brought. several changes. BUSINESS STAFF \"'hile Mrs. \Venner is on leave of absencc. BIIS/IIC.H' krlll/ag!'1 ....... Edward Wright Ivlr. Frederick Karl took over her position as (;ofrl Bu.g advisor when Bi!! Porter COI1l- A.I·.I'i.l/lllli BII.I'illf:s.I' M,llif/Wi'r ... Belly LovelaL(~ pletcd his term or office, Nancy Winke!llllln IIdvf:l'lisillg Mallager ... Elinor Pi-ice rook over the editorsbip of uic paper. r.irnt/ali(Jllt\Jllllllf.!,CI'. .. .... .J.G HiggilH 119
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