Page 131 - YB1950
P. 131
leadership 01: Major Richard I-I. Natzke, assisted by Captain James Carberry ami an enlisted stuff composed of MjSg1. Rufus Pur- year. j\'ljSgt. Bruce Derrick, SFC Charles Kelly, and SFC Owen Stephenson. This year h)' Far the largest clnss is the Freshman class There are three companies in the nnit which are couuuandcd by cadet officers. Company A is couuuandcd by Captain Alfred Bright. Company B by Captain Richard Dunlop, and Company C by Captain Ned Mascnhcimer Every spring the unit is inspected by an .nspccnng team from Second Army Hcadquar. tel's on a basis of a satisfactory or an unsaris- factory rating. Last spring, western Maryland was rated as satisfactory. -rhe first two years of the R. O. T C. course are compntsorv, the last two years elective. There were quite a few students who con un- lied in t.ilC advanced courses. For those who dl! continue, there is a six-weeks summer camp ill For-t Meade. Students go 10 slimmer camp at the end of [heir junior year. IIATTALION STAFF In the spring the unit moves from Yil1gling Gym. where it met all winter. 10 the drill area on Hoffa Field. Here. under the instruction "civilian" students from the brow of the hili. or the cadet officers, the men become a well. Cadet officers are selected on Ihe basis or disciplined, well-coordinnted group. These their scholastic standing', and evidences of flltb.period drills
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