Page 126 - YB1950
P. 126
CHOIR ORCHESTRA The Choir is or some (:i5 The College Orchcsu-a is one of the irnpor- voices tinder direction Professor Alfred tam features of Westclil life. The de Long, accompanied b}' Oliver K. Spangler. Iuncuona l work or the class lr~l!nlllg SUI. In accordance wnh tradition, the choir Iur- dent condutlOrs. In January, these student Ilishes music for the regular Sunday evening comluCLors-Manha Schaeffer, Edith S'111I1el". chapel services. and also prescllls several spe- Eva lvlae Davis, Ada Lee l-larclestr-r, and jos- cial programs. This a Christmas Carol eph Culotta-conducted a program in Alumni service was given, a small of choir Hall. members provided backstage for the At the Spring Concert on April 21, the Christmas play. orchesun Oucrtuvc: The COI/SerTfI- The outstanding pcrform
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