Page 125 - YB1950
P. 125
CAMERA CLUB Under Lilt: leadership Or our oificcts-c-Davc I)IlOlograpils or the cailipus activities dining Pallen, Presidelli; Maurice Cubbcrlcy Vice- tile football season. Demonstrations 01' the Pr('sid('II/.; l''!'lirianl Sirnrnons, Secretary; Dalc fundamentals 0(' photography were given by Townsend, Trcfls'llfcr-Lllc Camera Club had various members ami were a regular lenrure au acuve vo.n-. or the meetings. A movie was sponsored in Our darkroom in IIle basement 01' McKin- February wuh great success. In the early stry noll' provides adequate photographic spring. the Club LOok advantage of the photo. facilities, since we purchased additional equip- genic features or lile surrounding countrv- mcu t in the fall. This darkroom is open 10 side on a hike which ended with refresh me nts the use of any member of rhe Club. in Harvey Slone Park. Towards the end 01 In [he cartv fall, Dean Free [our sponsor) the year, movies invaluable 10 the amateur and Mrs, Free gnve a wiener roast Ior the photographer were shown in Science Hall. Club in their yard one Sunday evening. At rho final meeting, the officers ('01 This year our policy has been to alternate year were elected and suggestions for next business meetings with activity sessions. For year's program were approved. Homecoming we presented a display or giant 121
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