Page 132 - YB1950
P. 132
COlllpany A is cligiblc for membership Officers' Ivlilitary Student al the end of his Club, whidl was organized in This is a year by the professor of' rniluarv science so~jal organization rorllle~l to promote (~IIo\\:- tactics. \Vhen a studenr is so designated, SI11P, citizenship, and the Further study ofmili he may apply (or a commission in the Rcgu!.u lary problems In rhc spring, the Otficers' Army. If selected by the Department of the Club sponsored the Military Ball, which is Ihe Army, he would be given Iutrhcr schooling at big event of (he Club's social season. At the Fort Riley, Kansas, and fort Benning, Geor- end of the Y(;,I1> there is ,1 banquet for all the gia, before reponing for dutv. All R. O. T. C. members, Tills year the membership of the students receiving reserve commissions club was unusually high, as there were twenty- apply for a compcr.iucc lour of nine cadet officers active dut)' wuh a view to Cadets who Fillish four vears of R. O. T. C in rue Regular Army. As a are given commissions as'Second Lieutenants ern Maryland student. who in the Officers' Reserve Corps. An outstand- in tile Army has all opporumuy to prepare ing student may be designated as a Distill- himself through I.he college R O. T. C. COIl'l'Olll)' 1\
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