Page 124 - YB1950
P. 124
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Acting; under the competent leadership difficult task. of John Silber, P'residelit; Beuy \V1Iit.e, Vice- ]11 the fall the Student Government, under President, Shirley Clark, Sccrctotv; and Donie Ihe supervision of the local Kiwanis Club, Alexander, Treasurer, the Student Govern- sponsored a circus that aided both organiza- ment began the year with the freshmen orion- nons financially. ration program. Soon after the new students Early in .January a men's table tennis con- had been made welcome, plans were initiated rest was sponsored, and Ihe four finnlists par- to increase the feeling of school spirit and ticipated in the National Tournament at unity among all students on the Hill. Temple University. The March of Dimes Through means of a column in die Go/d campaign was promoted through a canvassing Bug, special campllS couuniuces, and morc of dormitories and unnpus organizations. At original pep rallies, the S. G. A. succeeded the beginning of the second semester an infer in fostering a high degree of cooperation and mal reception for new students was held to enthusiasm, which circulated through all introduce them to the faculty and as a wcl- school activities, The surprise introduction come 10 the Hill. of a real "Green Terror" at the athletic events Perhaps the most important step concern increased compcuuvc spirit. ing campus policy was the successful effort The culmination of school spirit was found of the S. G. A. to effect an agreement with in the Homecoming activities, among [he best the administratirm in allowing women stu- that alumni and students have ever seen. Each dents to visit the fraternity rooms at specified campus organization devoted lime and efforts limes during the week. to individual displays with such or-iginality With the May Day program, activities fOI and success thar judging the winners was a the YC
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