Page 118 - YB1950
P. 118
Order. L. Hicks. SeCOlld roxo: N. Kroll, Greer. I). Friedrich, J. wagner. A. Rowan. J. Brow[1. N Tllird I"(JW: L. H:lil. L. Binl~;\II, N. \v:llker, J Pitchford. N. ,\!:Iy, M. RCIl"h"rg. Fr"'J"tll D. n"vis. De:iIlc, E. Davis. N. Avers. H. Nixrlorf', HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The HOllie Economics Club provides an club attended the Providence VVorkshop ill organizuuon [or girls interested in this field. New York. Many members of the club The dub acts as a source for a broader study anendcd a ~UHe meeting in Lutherville at connected with home economics. Officers tile Maryland College for \-Vomen. were: Patricia Moore, Presidcnt; Ann 'Thorup- Our January meeting was held at the ;\:Ial)- son, Vicc-Prcsidcnt.; Virginia Hale, Secn:lfll)'; agement House and gave Inany of the new tvlar)' K. Wills, Trcasurer. members a chance La sec the House. A bunel At the Iu-st meeting of the year several girls supper was followed Willi an interesting talk g'ave interesting talks concerning their sum- by ivliss Stella Mathers, once head of the mer positions in relat.ion 10 the field 01" home Home Economics Dcpartrnunr of the Univrn economics. suy of Arizona. The dub sent a Chrisuuas package throug'h A fashion show held in iVlarch 1I'~IS enjoyed the \"'orld Friendship Among Children OrĀ· by both the panicipants and the audience. ganization to people in Europe and received The Home Economics Club endeavors to letters t.hanking LIS For the gifts. main Lain an interest in a vital, worthwhile, In November a represencuivc [rom our and necessary work. 114
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