Page 119 - YB1950
P. 119
FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA Tile Future Teachers of America is II recent SCOUl troop or nurscnc, lind thereby earn uddinon to the organizations flourishing on credit points which will become ,11) official the Hill. l ts origin goes back LU the spring part of their records upon graduation. or 1949 at. whidl Lime r.hc education slluicn1.s Dllring the past YC;ll· many of the members of the junior and senior classes voted to form aucndcd a stare mecting of high school and it chapter of this national group. college F. T A. organizations at Towson. western Maryland gave the name of the George SeY111C)llr, then preodem of our own Dean Isanogte Chapter to liS new organiza- chapter, played a leading role in the effort tion. The Dean's years of service 10 the edu- now under lVily t(1 fonn a state organi7,atiol1. cational ~ysH~1ll of this SLaLe warranted this Tile orgamzauon Iuru.rioned second semes- happy choice. ter under the leadership of Howard Shan Under the leadership of Norm Ster-n. the lion, who was ably assisted by Dave Blilling- Future Teachers quickly became active in the ton as vice-president, Belty 'Viley as recording life of the campus. Education students who sccretary, LOll Hyder ;l.~corresponding sccre- are members work at Rosewood or for local tary, and Prisulla Lankford as treasurer. I'i.'.'/ .-ow; .r. 1':Il'k<:r. /\. YC!Il·IC\'. J. Beaver. C. I.",,·c. Swo"r/ row: II. Shcptn. ,\1. F. Jo"cs. E. ~r_ l)~"is, II. Wile) D. 1.\IIII;"g:u",. H L Hyder.!'. l'luorc. A L. Sallicr Third .-ow: A. Va" Order. J ])cnnisoll J. B.'own, W. Porter, A ,\I. Bcyer. R. ,\utl, .' liS
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