Page 39 - YB1949
P. 39
GEORGE HIPKINS, III HERMAN GILBERT HIRSCHBERG Major: English Major: Biology Transfer from Maryville College . . . met his Plans to enter medical school after graduation little woman (Spanish prof.) while there ... ... a Navy veteran ... college salesman during various activities and Dean's Lister at Mary- junior year ... clay-hop this year from Balti- ville ... many outside interests include music, more . . . married to a nice looking blonde photography, and radio ... expert organist ... from Brooklyn . . . originator of the Inde- happy man because of new arrival. pendent's Athletic Squad. LENORE HOFFMAN DORIS WRIGHT HOLMES Major: English Major: English "Lennie" ... always ready with a smile "Dee" ... Army brat ... divided sophomore G-burg holds her loyalty as far as extracurricu- year between Japan and W.M.C dry wit lar work is concerned ... famous for just being essence of genuine sense of humor Eng- herself ... ask her about Ocean City merry lish major, bridge minor . . . pride and joy occupant of room No. 1 McDaniel sleek new home on the Chop tank River . . . night hairdo and exciting blue eyes. owl ... another victim of last minute-itis, 35
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