Page 37 - YB1949
P. 37
I HAROLD BROR HAMMARGREN EDGAR HAMMERSLA Major: Economics Major: Pre-Medicine "Ham"-"B.H." ... tall red head who finishes "Ed" ... Who's Who ... blushes easily .. in February ... ex-officer in Uncle Sam's Army classy room . . . proud owner of many books ... is constantly looking for somebody ... one and three goldfish . . . Milton Hendrickson of the first men in the Gamma Bets after the Scholarship to Gibraltor Island in summer of war ... a way with women ... "let's go out '48 ... efficiency in the dining hall ... fascina- to the Pit!" tion for snails perennial Dean's Lister ... smooth dresser always praising West Vir- ginia. GEORGE BLAIR HANKINS WILLIAM KENNETH HAUGH Major: Sociology and Economics Major: Mathematics "Hank" went in Navy in '45 after fresh- "Kenny" ... cu:ly haired ... quiet but force- man year returned to W. M. C. in '46 ful . . . went to school at Iowa State and ... yen for South and a certain nurse ... un- Gettysburg ... combat infantryman in Europe decided about future ... smooth dancer ... for three years ... main interest, cute home- "big wheel" at Ocean City ... outlook on life town girl he married this fall . . . likes golf ~----- -happy and unconcerned. and tennis ... consistent Dean's Lister ... "Let's go deck Lilly." 33
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