Page 174 - YB1949
P. 174
HOCKEY Clockwise starting at bottom lett: A. McMahon, M. Ruppenthal, W. Steele, D. Gamber, B. Taylor, S. Dixon, E. Weeks, J. Minnis, D. Grauel, B. Dodd. honor, which will replace the school blazer, is "Dribble down the field; it's a goal!" shout to be a medal or key, awarded on the basis eager voices as the 1948 hockey season opened of outstanding ability, athletic accomplish- the girls' fall sports program on "The Hill." ments, service, spirit, and scholarship. This Orchids go to the seniors who again took top year six senior girls were awarded their "M's" honors, remaining undefeated in the intra- and green sweaters. Snitz Steele and Della Lett to Right: P. Smith, D. Grauel, C. Schofield. Grauel earned their letters in the spring of BADMINTON their junior year, with "Dutch" Ruppenthal, Betsy Taylor, Annette McMahon, and Sue Dixon winning theirs at the close of the fall hockey season. At a December awards assem- bly, Miss Parker presented a green school blazer to "Dutch" Ruppenthal for her out- standing performance and service in athletics during the past three years. It is the hope of the physical education de- partment that the W AA and the women's athletic program will become an integral part of all the women students' campus activities. And always remember the motto of the W AA-'The game's the thing, never mind who wins." 170
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