Page 176 - YB1949
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The pre-Christmas season saw Western two-game match here, both Green and Gold 'Maryland lassies with shuttlecocks and rackets teams triumphed. battling it out on the badminton courts. Della In a game pitched high with excitement, Grauel unfalteringly came through to win the Western Maryland bowed to Gettysburg Col- school championship as well as that in her lege 33-31. Throughout the game the score own senior division for the second straight was very close and spectators added zest to a year. Runner-up for the seniors was "Dutch" clean contest. On March 2, the Terrors Ruppenthal. Virginia Clayton, junior, took top journeyed to Towson to hand the "teachers" honors for the third consecutive year in her their first set-back of the season, 32-17. "Dutch" class, winning semi-final matches from June Ruppenthal highlighted this game scoring Graf. Phyllis Smith, sophomore, and Corinne twenty-two of the winners points. She was Schofield, freshman, showed remarkable ability supported wholeheartedly by her team mates. winning class honors in the intra-murals. The Comprising the 1949 honorary basketball winners in each division were determined by means of an elimination tournament. Many team were: Betsy Taylor, "Dutch" Ruppen- Rita Bittle and thal, "Snitz" Steele-forwards; students participated and despite losing their Mildred Price, Peggy matches continued to play for recreation and Betty Lenz-alternates; Babylon-guards; Libby Jane and Brown, enjoyment. Davis and Annette McMahon-alternates. To Basketball enthusiasts lined the walls of all these girls go top honors for friendliness, Blanche Ward Gym for practice every day sportsmanship and good spirit of play. after the Christmas vacation. An exciting intramural program ensued with the seniors After three weeks of intensive practice and and sophomores ending the season in a tie exciting games, the volleyball season ended for first place. Under the capable leadership of just in time for spring vacation. Stiff competi- Miss Parker and Miss Todd, the honorary tion kept interest high. The Junior "A" team varsity team finished the inter-collegiate season came out of a three way tie to win the cham- with a record of two wins and two losses. Mt. pionship, defeating the Seniors 20-16, after St. Joseph's College of Emmitsburg turned previously losing to them 16-13. Third place back the lady Green Terrors in their first game resulted in a tie between the Freshmen and by a close score of 34 to 32. To come into the the Sophomores. In the second division play, winning ranks, Maryland College for Women the Senior "B" team succeeded in coming out was defeated without difficulty, 37-15. In a on top. The honorary volleyball team was elected VOLLEYBALL as follows; net, Jean Sause, Ginny Clayton, and Left to Right, First Row: W. Steele, S. Dixon, L. Cass Lay, with Jane Babylon alternate; center, Reese, S. L. Larmore. Second Row: D. Alexander, Bettye Benson, Betty Linton, and Alice Year- B. Benson, J. Sause, B. Lenz, C. Sapp, ley, with Dottie Alexander alternate; back, Sara Lee Larmore, rover, "Dutch" Ruppenthal, and Rita Bittle, with Betty Day alternate. Upon returning from spring vacation, the athletes-at-heart began turning to the out-of- doors. Any beautiful spring afternoon the golf links, softball diamond, archery targets, and tennis courts are apt to be buzzing with activity. The Robin Hoods of Western Maryland are not hampered too much by the unpredictable spring weather. Our archerettes can practice in the gym to perfect their form and to find their point of aim. Soon, however, the large target is seen behind Blanche Ward and the more advanced shooters start pacing off the distance for the Columbia round. Dot Gam- ber, Della Grauel, June Graf, Jane Birch, and 172
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