Page 175 - YB1949
P. 175
I BASKETBALL Left to Right: B. Taylor, P. Brown, B. Lenz, A. McMahon, M. Price, M. Ruppenthal, V.i. Steele. mural tournament for four years. Upon the ing with the varsity backs ended in a 0-0 score, completion of class games Green and Gold proving the skill of both teams. Teams were selected by the W.A.A. board. The honorary team played several fine This highly contested match between the games throughout the season. Journeying to varsity forwards playing with the junior var- Gettysburg for the first game of the season, sity backs and the junior varsity forwards play- the Lady Terrors played a tight game ending 3 to 3. With a two-game match slated on home Betsy Taylor leaps for the ball! ground, the Green and Gold were an equal match for the Towson State Teachers' "Eleven," playing to a 0-0 draw in the varsity game; but the jayvees lost to the Teachers 1-0. In the last game of the season, Western Maryland, playing host to Notre Dame, de- feated them 2 to 1 in a game where spirits were pitched high. The honorary team, to whom a great deal of credit goes for their excellent playing, was elected as follows: left wing, Jean Minnis; left inner, Sue Dixon; center, Louise Reese; right inner, Betsy Taylor; right wing, "Snitz" Steele; alternate forwards, Ginny Hale and Rita Bittle; left halfback, Ruth Allen; center halfback, "Dutch" Ruppenthal; right halfback, Mary Will; left fullback, Charlotte Reed; right fullback, Della Grauel; alternate backs, Alice Yearly and June Graf; goalie, Charlotte Janney. 171
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