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I First Row: Spicknall, Stephenson, Bright; Second Row: Bradley, Coach Makosky, Jacobson. GOLF The club swingers are one of the most If golf teams were rated on experience, fortunate teams on "The Hill" insofar as ex- Western Maryland would be near the top of perienced material is concerned. Only Walt the list. As the season progresses we hope that Sibiski is lacking from last year's starting such a theoretical rating will prove justified. sextet. Coach Makosky returns to the coaching position after being absent for a year. On hand Jacobson blasting out of a trap. to meet him are lettermen Frank Stephenson, Dan Bradley, Al Jacobson, Jack Spicknall, and Al Bright. Althought their record last season was scarcely of the standout variety, the ex- perience gained marks the team as a poten- tially winning one. Practice tours around the local links have been restricted by wet weather. Thus it is still undecided as to who the sixth member of the starting lineup will be. Golf must run deep in the Makosky veins for one of the outstanding prospects is the coach's freshman son, Don. This will be the tenth year for the very popular Western Maryland Invitation Tourna- ment. Maryland took the honors again last year but there is hope that the host team may bring the crown home in this anniversary year. 165
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