Page 177 - YB1949
P. 177
Left to Right: J. Mellon, J. Minnis, M. Ruppenthal, V. Clayton. Nancy Winkleman are expected to be some more experienced players who often may be of the more ardent archers aiming at that gold seen out on the links. Much added enthusiasm central point. is expected through the personal instruction Golf seemed even more popular than ever given in the girls' gym classes. this year. Golf fans were out on the course As usual softball is a late starter, but it is before spring vacation, keeping their en- expected to draw as much interest as ever. thusiasm right up to graduation time. Few When home plate is dusted off and the cry have enough leisure hours to become expert of "Batter up!" rings through the air, plenty golfers, but all earnestly strive to break that of stiff competition and spirited play is in the evasive par. Phyllis Weaver, Betty Clarke, offing. If they live up to their reputation, the Nancy McAllister, Carolyn McNabb, Barbara seniors will pull the game out of the fire in Roberts, and Martha Schaeffer are some of the the last few innings to be victorious. Thus I Left to Right: J. Graf, N. Winkleman, D. Grauel. Left to Right: B. Roberts, M. Schaeffer. 173
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