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I basketball or tennis, as well as broaden her directed by the Women's Athletic Association appreciation of sports. For those who are in- (W AA), under the guidance of Miss Parker terested in advanced study, extensive courses and Miss Todd. At the conclusion of several towards a major or minor are offered, with weeks of practice, class teams are chosen in certification for teaching being awarded as well. each sport. A round-robin tournament is Practical experience for the "majors" is gained played between the teams of each division. An by officiating at the Carroll County inter-high honorary varsity team is selected by the execu- school sports' events, such as basketball games tive board of the W AA at the close of each and meets. This year's senior class is graduat- sports season, on the basis of attendance at ing a record of six physical education majors, practice, skill, and quality of sportsmanship. four of whom are prospective teachers. Awards are given by the association accord- The sports' program is primarily an intra- ing to a point system based on active parti- mural one, so that there is much keen com- cipation in intra-mural sports .. The system has petition among the four classes. Each girl is been revised this year in the hope that more encouraged to participate actively in all the girls will strive harder to achieve their awards. major team games and individual sports. How- Class numerals, the first award, require ten ever, there is a limited amount of inter-collegi- points, and are given for faithfulness through- ate competition, especially during the hockey out a season to a point-giving activity. A and basketball seasons, when near-by schools "WM" monogram is awarded for an accumula- such as Notre Dame, Towson State Teachers', tion of 400 points, a new award (as yet unde- and Gettysburg are engaged in contests. This cided) at 800 points, and a green and gold two-fold program of athletics is planned and chenille "M" for 1200 points. The new final Lett to Right: D. Grauel, S. Dixon, A. McMahon, W. Steele, B. Taylor, M. Ruppenthal. 169
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