Page 10 - YB1949
P. 10
The (glass of 1952 A rainy Tuesday, the 21st of September, saw Close on the heels of registration day came a mob of wide-eyed, curious freshmen stream the Orientation period, crammed full of tests, onto the Western Maryland campus, climb the speeches, assemblies, and informal and formal hills and venture down the corridors, eager to get-togethers, which were designed to aid us explore every nook and cranny of this, their in becoming better acquainted with our new new home for four full and unpredictable years. surroundings. Awed and inspired by the bustle and efficiency This period was ended with the return of of college life, -each student was confident that the upperclassmen. Immediately the Sopho- he could find and take his place among it. more girls took over giving to the Freshmen 6
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