Page 154 - YB1948_Classical
P. 154
GEORGE SPITTEL'S ORCHESTRA Few colleges can boast of having a better with Tex Beneke enabled George 10 campus orchestra than Western Maryland. adapt many name-band techniques to his Here on the Hill, George Spinel's orches- own orchestra. Ernie Leap's sizzling trum- tra has proven itself capable of producing pet on the hot solos was always a big aurae- excellent, danceable music. tion, and Dave Heiberg, Dick Palmer, and Only this year did George enlarge his Russ Sellman rounded out a highly capable band to full dance orchestra size, but the trumpet section. Phil Schaeffer and Pudge group received frequent bookings through- Bruner added depth and mellowness with out the year, performing at near-by col- their trombones, and the saxes, Ink Bruner, leges and at towns throughout Maryland. Frank Middleton, and Pete Youngblood, A highly successful debut at the George Washington Birthday Ball enabled the or- provided a fine background. chestra to be booked for the Junior-Scnior Completing the band's make-up was the Prom and the Pan-Hellenic Dance. rhythm section of Doc Bouchelle, Willy Much credit is due George Spittel for his Williams and Park Ranck, which sparked hard work and fine musicianship in bring- the orchestra with their dunceab!e tempos. ing the organization to a professional Returning students are anticipating an even standard. Many months of playing sax better dance-band next year. Fir.vt Row: K. Boucbclle, 1. Bruner, C. Spillet, F. "!idd!eton, It Youngblood. Sec,lIPd Row: N. Wi11ia!ll~,1'. [{anck, E. Bruner, E. Leap. D. Helberg, P. Schaeffer, D. Palmer 1St
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