Page 158 - YB1948_Classical
P. 158
'47-'48, the year of the "new look," and ling up a great fight, and our cheerleaders the Delts, keeping in close step, gained a and rooters broke forth with some mighty spirited group of new baby Dells, a grand terrific yells for the Red and WhiLe. Tues- new sponsor, Dr. Mudge, and a new red day night meetings, bridge games, get- wall ... not to mention three new white togethers in the clubroom, and informal ones and colorful new slip covers. parties after each vacation filled our days. Our fall semester opened with the true Early in spring we planned our tradi- Dell spirit. "Working together," we painted tional tea and May swimming party, pic- our walls, covered our pillows, and made nicked with our brothers, the Bachelors, ready for our lively baby Delts. The tiniest and opened house to our friends and grow- Santa Claus of Delt history bounced in with ing alumnae on May Day. Quickly the presents for all at our Christmas party. senior farewell banquet crept up on us, and February brought to us twenty-two years of another happy year as Delts had come to Delt sisterhood, and Dr. Wills's words a close. Yes, it was the year of many "new" brought each of us closer to the true mean- happenings-as happy and gay as our ing of Delta Sigma Kappa. Our basket- bright new wall. ball team played hard and earnestly, put- Ray, H. Wallis Wymer Price, 1\1.1. Hnuon Kompanek Hohbins Ludwig Wilder Becker, B. Acher Hollnud iIIcCluylon White Wilson Brodrick Allen Horn Pitcher Workman Witte, McNabb Hall Koehler
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