Page 156 - YB1948_Classical
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INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL President KENNETH VOLKABT Regulations concerning rushing, smok- ers, bidding, and interfraternity athletics V ice-President FRANK MIDDLETON are set up by the council. The clubs agree Secretar), GEORGE CAR~ to abide by the decision of the council on Treasure/ RODNEY AUSTIN all matters. Cooperating with the Intersorority Coun- The Interfraternity Council seeks to pro- cil, this group sponsored the Pan-Hellenic mote co-operation and unity among the fra- ternities on the Hill, and to function as an Dance, presented this year on May 22. Plans were discussed and agreed upon, and agent for greater understanding and agree- interfraternity committees were appointed ment between the administration and the so that, when the final preparations began, large portion of the student body that be. there were no longer eight different clubs, longs to fraternities. but one organization, intent on presenting Each club is represented by two members the last and mOI:iL memorable dance of the -usually the president .and one member college year. It is in such undertakings as ejected from the fraternity. Offices in the this that the spirit of co-operation, fellow- council rotate annually. ship, and harmony is most evident. J. Brewingtou. F. Middleton, O. Wroten, K. Volkart, D. Brollawn. R. Via, C. Carr. 153
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