Page 159 - YB1948_Classical
P. 159
1\1. Clayton, Ii Lingenfelter, P. HOlick, 1\1. IIcrshfeld, S. Cordy, 1\1. Shipley, D. Ritter. IOTA GAMMA CHI lmmediately after our return to the HiH this year we made a beeline for the club- room, unlocked it, aired it out, and promptly proceeded 1.0 fill it with bridge foursomes, a summer's supply of Life and Modemoisetie, new phonograph records and lots of talk. PUYLl.JS HOUCK Bids came out fairly early in the full, President Phyllis Houck and we gave glad welcome to a grand group of new members. And then, of course, we V ice-President Sue Cordy immediately began 1.0 make them miserable by way of a hectic initiation. However, Secretary Mildred Shipley because of our new intersorority ruling prohibiting outside initiation, these pledges Treasurer Helen Lingenfelter were the first members in our entire his- tory who did not have the privilege of attending classes decked out as Sadie Hawkins.
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