Page 91 - YB1946
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Seated; G, Bevard, E_ Baker, S, Mollett. M. Wilson, E. Haller. D. Hines. M. Kemp. Standing; 1_ Shirley, D Anderson, H, Lewis, M, Davies, M. Statler. C. Suddith, K. Naylor, D. Scott, H. Doggett, M. Vanderbeek, B. Mulholland. E. Haller, '46 Business Manager;M. Davies, '47 Editor; M, Wilson. '46 Editor; H. Doggett, '47 Business Manager. "Any more campus shots?" "What's another word for 'aim'?" not enough ads. . " ... coming out on time .. "are phrases likely 10 be heard through the open window of the sane. tuary in Old Main known as the Aloha office. Here, too, one is likely to find at any hour of the day and a large part of the night the editors or some of their co-workers. The staff decided that this year the yearbook should be off the press before commencement. Work was begun during the summer, dead- lines were set and usually met, and the whole schedule was stepped up, Much to the delight of all on the Hill, the Aloha went to the printer in March and was distributed before school was over, The credit for this goes to the fine spirit of cooperation of the faculty and stu- dents with the staff.
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