Page 88 - YB1946
P. 88
Daniel Sammis Sanford. A.B .. A.M .. Ph.D. In order to get along with people it is essential to understand them. Because human behavior follows many complex patterns. this understanding is not so easily gained. However, the study of psychology assists the comprehension of the various problems modern civilization presents its members. A better adjust- ment of the student's own emotional diffi- culties and personality traits is brought about through discussion of the principles of mental hygiene. A more healthy and rational attitude is fostered toward psycho. logical maladjustment formerly considered hopeless and tabu as discussion material. Psychology is an ever-growing science. The student who masters its basic prin- ciples now will be better equipped to understand its future development. Sanfora THAT MAN MAY KNOW HIMSELF. Experiment with a human subject
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