Page 86 - YB1946
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Sealed: V. Ports. E. Hahn, H. Jones. J. Beall. P. Chatterton. Standing: A. Jones. P. Davis, S. Mollett. A. Chen. The Women's Student Government As- adjusted to college life. It invites upper- sociation has been playing an even larger classmen to return early and assist in part in college affairs during these war orientation week. years than formerly because of the In- Besides handling these more serious creased enrollment of women students. jobs there are also the dances which it This organization, made up of represents- sponsors, and President Henrietta Jones tives from each class, strives to improve finds herself confronted with the big ques- the general welfare of the college and lion of the day-where to get men? student body, and to promote better under. However, the main drive of the organi- standing between faculty and students. As zation this year is to get students interested lawmakers the W. S. G. makes new laws, in establishing an honor system on the revises the old, and tries offenders. This Hill. This would be a big step to take and board publishes every year a handbook of the backing of both faculty and student regulations which is distributed to the body is needed to make such a plan a Freshman women to help newcomers get 80
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