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First Row; P. Chatterton. Chaplain Second Semester; D. Wilder, S!"rgeant·at·arms Second Semester. Second Row; S. Moffett, Vice·President Firs! Sem. and President Second Sem. E. Haller. Preaident First Sem. Third Row: E. Pearson, Alumni Secretary, K. Wheeler. First Sem. and Vice-President Second Sem.; V_ Powell. Secretary Second Sem.; R. Shuckhart, Chaplain First Sem.: R. L. Kuhns, Treasurer Second Sem.; B. Britner, Treasurer First Sem.; E. Gatchell. Secretary First Sem "In sisterly love we'll work for yOU. With this in mind the early comers got to work scrubbing and painting the club- room, making ready for the pledges. Pledge week, with the worms, rabbits, witches, and Raggedy Anns made a mem- orable week ending in the candlelight ser- vice. During the holidays our Alumni Association gave a wonderful Christmas banquet in Baltimore ..With February came two new pledges, and a fond goodbye to departing Delta, our birthday banquet and our tea. We worked hard to publish the "Jug," our club annual. With spring a Dell's fancy turned to the rush party at Frock's and a sad goodbye to graduating sisters. "When you say goodbye to Col- lege Hill and you see through a mist of tears ... then you'll think once more of Delta Sig " This was the strain sung at the Senior Banquet, closing a wonder- ful year in the Dell Sisterhood. Delt bunnies munch carrots as pari of initiation 89
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