Page 87 - YB1946
P. 87
The Men's Student Government, re-in- istraticn, and to encourage the men toward stituted on the Hill after an absence of higher ideals of conduct through the two years, is carrying on its activities responsibilities placed upon them in gov- under the direction of John Dorsey, presi- erning themselves. dent; Bob Beglin, vice-president; and Fred The group has spent most of its time this Brown, secretary-treasurer. New Class year in re-vamping and re-regulating its Representatives elected the second semes- plan of organization so as to make it more ter are: George Norman, Junior; Bob appropriate to the radically different male Dubel. Sophomore; Bill Bayliff and Jimmy situation on the campus. Leonard, Freshmen. The Men's Student Government hopes The chief functions of the group are to to be able to regain its former prestige bring about better understanding and co- and 10 surpass its old standing when it is operation between the men and the admin- again fully functional. Sealed: F. Brown, j. Dorsey. F. Morgan. Standing: G. Carr. K. Bouchelle. E. Hammersla, H. Doggett Bl
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