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Seated: H. Jones. A. Klein, J. Dorsey. J. Divers. D. Hines, 1. Shirley, G. Jemison, P. Davis. Standing: V. Voorhees. J. Haines. M. Franklin, M. Todd. W. Cowan. I Barnes, E. Lamadrid. V. Powell. J. Kilham, J. Harris. M. Seltzer. E. Sheeley dnlclll1aliol1al/fc!aliol1S ClUb To the average student, the International the W.M.C. library with volumes and bul- Relations Club is just the organization letins on international affairs, foreign pol- which sponsors a White Elephant Dance icy, and current events. every year. However, to its members the As a member of the Regional Confer- I.RC. means monthly conferences, annual ence of International Relations Clubs, conferences, lectures, and panel discus- representatives of the organization on the sions. The I.RC. means keeping up with Hill attend monthly conferences at the ,the world, a vital function in these times. various colleges to discuss important Headed by Doris Hines, as president questions of the day. Members also at- and Dr. Theodore Whitfield, as sponsor, tended the annual meeting of the Middle the organization's vice-president is John Atlantic Conference of International Rela- Dorsey, and the secretary-treasurer is Jean tions Clubs held in March at Madison Shirley. The chairman of the program College. committee is Janice Divers. At the biweekly meetings of the club, The club is a member of the Carnegie speakers and panel discussions on current Foundation, which enables it to provide world problems are provided. 79
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