Page 107 - YB1945_Classical
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Firs' Row: M. HcUdorfer, P. C"rter, C. MacConney, S. Townsend, L. J. Stoner; H. Stoner, A. Liltl.), M. Lloyd, E. Howling, 1.. Stagg; S'~c(J"d Uow: M. Stewart, A. Crowe, J. Cooper, M. E. Dexter, 1'. Shif)ley, P. Shull;o:, M. J. lJurtb, 1\1. Vuud.)rhcek, J. H:u"'er, H. Gree.., J. MeDowell, D. CI"rke; T'flinf Ro",: A. C"rnoch"n, J. Hflrgwuld, W. Huker, M. R. O'Kdly, M. J. mddle, E. Stevens, 1\1. Stoffregen, V. Evnus, ]\1. J. Coller". M. 1.. neglin. HOME HONOMI[S [LUB The Horne Economics Club has had in- field of work. Miss Amery also told the teresting and varied activities throughout members and visitors at the' meeting about this year under the direction of Miss Helen the interesting work done by home eco- Gray, sponsor of the organizalion, Helen nomics clubs in other schools. The meeting Stoner, President; Nell Quirk, Vtce-Preet- was' followed by a tea given in honor of dent , Lucy Jane Stoner, Treasurer; and the speaker. Anne Little, Secretary. This organization also entered into ,\ tea, for the purpose of acquainting the campus activities. We rolled bandages for freshmen with the Management House, the Red Cross at the heginning of the was given in the fall. In the winter we school year, and later on we sponsored a held a fashion show, where those garments mnde in the sophomore and senior clothing booth at the URAC bazaar. classes were effectively modeled. The meetings of the Home Economics Miss Elizabeth Amery, State Supervisor Club were hrought to a close with the in. of Home Economies, visited us this year, stallation of new officers for the coming and gave a \'ery entertaining and inspiring year and a social evening at the campus speech on vocational possihilities in her pavilion. 104
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