Page 103 - YB1945_Classical
P. 103
Se(lled: K. Waring, V. POrlS, G. Jel1lis",;; SI(IIu/illg: F. !\Iurg .. n, 1:1. iluckingham, J. Dorsey. SUNDAY SmOOL The \'VilJiam G. Baker Sunday School is Dr. Theodore Whitfield of the department an interdenominational organization which of History; Dr. Eugene Mnkosky, retired meets every Sunday morning at 9:15. Con- Methodist minister; Mrs. Belle Griffin, col. ducted chiefly hy students, who lead the lege nurse and ex-missionary to India; Dr. service, conduct the student choir and play George S. Wills, Professor Emeritus of the two manual pipe organ, the services English; Dr. Douglas R. Chandler, of the are open to all who care to join in an Westminster Theological Seminary; Miss hour's hymn-singing, prayer and listening Ruth Benson, housemother and co-advisor -to thoughtful talks by speakers carefully to the SCA; and the Rev. Mr. Elwood selected by the Cabinet. Falkenstein, pastor oI the Lutheran Church. It has been the aim of the group to pre- The student choir, composed of some sent a .genera! outline-of the content of the fifteen male and female students with vocal Christian Bible, stressing hath Catholic abilities, lind led by William E. Smith, '4S, and Protestant, "orthodox" and "liberal" deserves particular credit for its services views. Faculty members, local religious in rendering appropriate vocal music to leaders and some of the ministers of the round out a full and inspirational Sunday community have ccntemrl their weekly dis. morn ing service. The student organists, cussions about this general theme, many who lind here a practical testing ground of them stressing the implications of Chris- for their achievements on that instr-umem, tian teaching as it relates to individual and have also made a great contribution to. social living. Included among the speakers ward making the William G. Baker Sun- of the year were Dr. Montgomcry Shroyer day $choolthe spiritual success it has been of the Westminster Theological Seminary; this year. 1011
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