Page 111 - YB1945_Classical
P. 111
Finl Rm~: v. J>tlrl~,L lIollowHy, M. Lloyd, G. l\1"lhia~; See""d R",~: J. Mendell, J. L. Baugher, lUiss W"IIS, E. Ju~tic(!, l\1. Scltl'.er, F. IIrowIl; Third Row: n. Hichter, L. J. Stoner, K. Nnylur, B. Harrison, D. nOpSI, J. uean, G. Jemison. THE [OLLECE PLAYERS Thanksgiving, 1944-Alull1ni Hall filled The Juniors were thrilled with the char- to capacity-the curtain opened on l unicr acters they could paint with their make-up Miss, a delightful comedy tll1lt weur kits. They also did set-painting and con- straight to your heart, because the family struction, work on property committees, life portrayed could have been your OW!!. lighting and so on ad infinitum. They were Commencement, 1045-the Senior play, the dungaree crew behind the scenes until Papa Is All, with all the quaintness of a their turn to be in the limelight came. Mennonite family, climaxed the year's ac- They presented their one-act plays and the tivities of our Dramatic Art department. clever May Day play, The Wonder Hat. The College Players displayed in these l'he Seniors concentrated 011 the produc- productions the techniques of acling they tion and construction of the play. 1111(1 learned in their sophomore, junior, An additional attraction this year was and senior dramatic art classes. the faculty's memorable "day in the sun." This year the sophs practiced their "rna. All three classes enjoyed constructing the xa, ska, ah's," learned to make use of the set for Arsenic and Old Lace. diaphragm ill speaking and breathing, Juniors and Seniors in the Dramatic Art learned how to fall, stand, sit, walk-many Department are members of the College things to help develop their on-stage and Players. Sophomores are just apprentices off-stage personalities. They were given -they must prove their desire to work the opporltmity to put these lessons into hard in order to get the fun out of putting effect, in the one-act plays which the on a play. seniors cast, directed and produced. This All of this activity was tirelessly and work, together with the Shakespearean re- capably directed by Miss Ruth Beth \llatls citnls, given as a part of their class-work, who left her Theatre Recreation Project in taught these students that the first require. Dover, N. J., in order to keep the foot ment for a dramatic artist is cooperation. lights burning at \V.M.e. lOR
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