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LE [ERnE fRANpUS III an attempt to keep alive the spirit of Heserve University. All members joined Fi-ance, Le Cercle Francais has made an in the singing of the traditional "chansons . effort La provide an opportunity for gLLI- do Noel" in December. dents to make practical usc of the knowl. The '''hen-pecked'' husband tr-iumphed edge of the French language which they in "La Farce du Cuvier," a play which was have acquired. produced in February under the direction Under' the leadership of Mary Wehb, of Adele Tenny and Anne Lussahn. The presidente ; Winifred Shauck, vioe-presi- cast included Winifred Shauck, Virginia dente; Aileen Bair, secretaire ; and Vir- Voorhees, and Raymond Benninghof. ginia Voorhees, tresor-ier, meetings .were Members of Le Cercle Francais were heir! on the third Monday of each month initiated into the mysteries of the Braille in McDaniel Lounge. The program Com- system by Mlle .. Beatrice Green of the mittee consisted of Adele Tenny chairman. Maryland School for the Blind at the Louise Willis, and Mary .lane (lollcrd. Or. March meeting. As a climax to the year's Kathryn Hildebran acted as the club-spo». SOl' for the past year. activities, Le Lercle Francais sponsored all Al the November meeting, Mme. Brady informal dance in April. Every Tuesday Ballard, better remembered as Virgin ia evening throughout the year, the calls of Sweeney, a former president of Le Cercle "garcon" and "Ia viande, s'i1 \'OUS pill It" FJ'an~ais, spoke about her experiences as echoed from a special table distinguished a graduate student of French at Western by lighted candles and place curds. 103
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