Page 102 - YB1945_Classical
P. 102
First Ro,o, S. Noll, M. Webb, W. Shauck, H. .Ioues, 13.Brower; Sct:o",/ Ro,." A. Kuhn, D. Kemp, K. W"rillg, J. A"tlrew~, n. Mil"s, J. Shirley, A. Tenny; TI,i,,/ ROIo, C. Do,;-gcll, V. Voorhees, C. Llevllrd, M. C.,,,ry, M. Wib"", V. Poets, E. Slevens, E. I\1nreJ" THE ARGONAUTS Pre.lhlellt-Jcan Andrews Iroru year to year by associate members, Vice.Prr:s':denl-Cathcrine Waring those juniors and seniors who have main. Secretary-Ruth Miles tained for four or more semesters an aver- Trea.lllrer-Margaret Thompson age of "13" or better. Thcy arc assisted by their sponsors, Miss Addie B. Robb and Dr. Willianl R. Riclington. AccotdiJlg to an ancient Greek legend, The outstanding events of the year in. a band of heroes set forth in the ship ABCO eluded a talk by Dr. George S. Wills,' to search for the Gol(ien fleece of Truth former head of the W.M.e. English depart- and Wisdom. Inspired by the tale, and ment ,and a tea honoring all students who led by Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, a group of achieved ranking on the "Dean's List," students in 1935 started on a similar voy. and culminated in the annual May banquet age by forming the Argonauts, the Western during which those students graduating Maryland honor society. They took as cum. laude and SIIII/Illa cum laude were in. their purpose the promotion of sound ducted into full membership as fellows in scholarship, the recognition of high scho- the society. lastic standing, and the promotion of fel- The Argonauts, following their ancient lowship among the students and faculty. tradition, challenge all Western Maryland Since its initiation on the campus, member. students to embark on an adventurous ship ill this organization has risen to a voyage in search of wisdom and truth, and high position of honor and achicvemem to honor those who have shown their The work of the Argonauts is carried on ahilitv and achievement in this quest. 99
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