Page 109 - YB1945_Classical
P. 109
THE MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS Have you ever thought II'hill \Vcstern tu lie 11 pCd"rll\~r, and those whu IHlve Maryland College would be like without its made music together ill the orchestra, the musical orgnnixations c.-uhe choir, the choir, and the glee club, will always tree- or chestrn, the Girls' Clee Club, and the sure the memories of those hours spent in hand, (in t.imo of peace)? playing and singing music that endures. Can you think of Sunday evening chapel Have you ever thought what Western without the College Choir? And when Maryland College would be like without its Christmas COIlles ill the years after you musical organizations-the choir, the or. have left the Hill, will your thoughts not chestre, and the glee club? always go back to the Christmas service And have you ever thought of what the with its carols? College Choir, the College Orchestra, and The Girls' Glee Club and the College the Girls' Glee Club would he like without Orchestra do not perform in public as such inspired directors as Mr. Alfred de often as the choir, but after their concerts, Long, Mr. Philip Rorer, and Miss Crac~ have you not always felt proud of yOUl Cordelia Murray-directors whose high college? standards and fine ability have done much 11-is good to listen to great music, and to add to the good name of \l/esterll Mary. in your four years aL W.M.C. you have had land College. an opportunity to make the acquaintance And so-four years of listening, or four of some of the world's supreme master. years of singing and playing in the mllsicill works of choral and orchestral writing. organizalions of \V.M.C. are a rich hen. But even better than to he n listener is tnge. THE CIIOIR Fir;;' Rmo: C. ·Wilkins, J. D,,,lder,,r, E. !l"n~on, M. V,."ulcrl,,,,,k,A. Cle,ul""ing, L. l\1esl..h, J. Murray, R. Mil"", L. .Iueks..u~ SccolIIl ROIo: G. Jemison, L. Willis, D. H,,~s, J. Mendell, B. Little, A. Donnldson, N., I). Davis, A. Jones, J. KeSler, M. A. nurkhur(lI; Third Rm~: J. Hreeding, 8. Dupuy, L. Seott, M. Lillie, M. E. Keml', F. IJrown, M. AI"x,"nder, G. MUlhi,,~:F.. rtrtJ. Uti/v: H. Lum,ulrid, Prof. Roy"r, J. MOle, H. Lewis, D. nop~t, J. Su)),,"<)rvillc, Prof. DeLong, A. 1\-1urphJ·,J. SIII.'·rk, H. ne,u, W. Smilh, W. E"rll, Dr. !lerd",lf.
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