Page 105 - YB1945_Classical
P. 105
Sealm/' Miss Ilenson, K. Waring, R. Harrison, R. l\liles, F. Morgan, Mrs. Wenner; SlflIIf/illg: C. Doggeu, S. Snyder, R. Adams, J. Heall, f:. Jemi. ~on, W. Robert8, N. Aus. lin, E. Morey. STUDENT [HaISTlAN ASSO[IATIDN At the beginning of the year the Cabinet Rev. fred E. Miles, New Jersey pastor alid of the Student Christian Association sought religious leader, conducted a series of ser- spiritual inspiration at a retreat held at vices built around the theme, "The Hadi. Hoop Camp Inn. Here a well- rounder! ance of Christian Living." Mr. Miles also program for the year was planned which led discussion groups and held private COil. included guest speakers on religious and ferences with individual students. social problems, discussion groups cooper. Twenry-Iour members of the S.C.A. repĀ· ating with the LR.C., the setting up of the resented W.M.C. at the regional conference "Fireside Fellowship," and the establish. of the national Student Christian Move. ment of a Boy Scout troop and a day nul'S' ment held in Baltimore in April. The ery school for the children living in the inspiration from this conference will be community just below the campus. channeled into the future activities of this Highlighting the year's events were the organization which will begin next year traditional Christmas program and He- under "[he capable leadership of its new ligious Emphasis Week. For the latter, the president, Grace Jemison. Retrenl at ltoOI)'S I" ...
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