Page 100 - YB1945_Classical
P. 100
EDITORIAL STAFF Seated: J. Rove, 1\1. wu. SOil, L. Holloway, P. Dono. vnn, J. Ander~oll; St'IlIdĀ· ;IIg: H. Jones, M. Stillier, J. L. Haugh, C. Schumann, J. Shirley, K. Kaiser, 1\1. Suddith. THE ALOHA Copy and plates and deadline datcs-c- additions. 1t tells the story of the familiar that's what a yearbook's made of. And features of college life with an interprera- having been made, what is a yearbook? tion significant to the times. The very word yearbook implies faith- A yearbook is a farewell gesture of the the faith that el'ery year will bring forth Seniors; it is their oloho. l nto it they put this volume. This faith has often been severely tested, especially ill the past three their labor and leave traces of their perĀ· years-a per-iod in which we heard such sonalities. They make its message a chal- frightening words as "priorities," "labor lenge to their lives. But this labor is shared shortage," and "limitations on materials." by all the classes, and the publication is II But every year the book went to press. record and a challenge for all. A yearbook is a record of a year's Thai is 'our definition of a yearbook, the achievement, a document of traditions and spirit in which we present the 1945 ALOHA. IJUSINESS STAFF SefIFe,f, K. "'lIring; D. Hine~, A. Avcr~, D. S;:huberl, D. Harlke, A. Leele; S,,,,uf;IIS, M. Ensee.., B. HoUnnd, D. Anderson, M. Seh;, E. Haller.
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