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GOLD BUG Now-in its twenty-second year, the Gold Bng continues to function as the .main organ of the student body and the faculty on the Hill. Editor Lillian Jackson and the staff have successfully maintained high journalistic standards and aroused populnr interest. Expert editorship kept Cold Bng space well-filled with !!CWS of general interest. feature columns, sports news and "Letters to the Editor," this last II new feature which succeeded in stimulating considerable thought on the part of both students and faculty on various contemporary contro- versial issues. Much space was devoted this year 10 news of the many students, alumni and faculty members who are serving in the Lillian Jacks..'" GOLD BUG editor for two armed services. Tribute was paid to those who gave their lives on the battlefields during the school year. The "College Calendar" supplemented in which were put in by the staff in their concise form the news articles in supplying office in Old Main, plenty of smiles accom- information concerning campus extra. panied their labors, and members of the curricular activities, including meetings, staff will always remember with a warm plays, recitals, dances and lectures. feeling in their hearts the long nights, with The Student Advisory Council, consist. the clattering of typewriters, the deepsiring ing of three men and three women selected moans or inspired shouts of the editors by the staff, was a new addition to the and make-up men, and the tired sariafnc. paper's officialdom, functioning as a "go. tion that comes with "putting the paper to between" for faculty, students and staff. bed," preparatory to going to press in the Despite the hard work and long hours morning. Sealell: M. Davie~, J. Dove, M. Webb, V. Voorhees, 1\1. Shuler, H. Lamadrid; Slarlllillg: D. Blizard, M. SchOler,F. Morgan, C. Brooks.
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