Page 101 - YB1943
P. 101
IN THE RING: Norman, Ferris. WATCHING: Caruso, Caccia, Jeffra, Alexander, Summers, Faugh_ man, Gavula, Hall, Mendell. to make the final score 5 ~ -2 y:; in Maryland's Three days after the Indiana meet, the Ter- favor. rors traveled to Blacksburg. Va., to meet Later on in the same week. the weary Terror Virginia Polytechnic Institute. After forfeiting squad jour.neyed to the den of th~ Penn State two bouts. the Green ring men scil! managed to Nittan y LIons and absorbed their only real stay In the match. losing 4 H -3;'-:;. Faughman. beating of the year, 7-1. George Norman gar- Godwin. and Ferris came through with wins, nered the lone Terror victory. and newcomer Otts O'Keefe was given a draw. With two weeks rest, the ringmen were in A few days later, rugged Carl Mendell went fine shape to meet the cadets of West Point, into the armed forces. further depleting the who came to Westminster for the first time in Terror strength. the athletic history of the two institutions. The The following week, Western Maryland result was a slam-bang match which ended in a journeyed up to New London, Conn., to meet 4-4 draw. Alexander again won in a tough the strongest Coast Guard team in recent years. scrap: Faughman won a decision: Hall and Fer- It was a sadly patched up squad that Jeffm had ris were both given unpopular dra ws. and to take to meet the sailors, but it gave a splendid Charlie Godwin scored his first victory of the account of itself in holding the Coast Guards- year. men to a close 5-3 decision. Charles Godwin Catholic University was met next in Wash- decisioned the much respected Dave Scalibrini. ington and the Terrors handed them their first Otts O'Keefe wan a very close decision from opening match defeat in ring history, 5-3. sailor Ed Tharp, and Hank Ferris closed his Feature of the meet was Alexander's knockout collegiate career in great fashion by knocking of his C. U. opponent. Godwin, Hall and Fer- out D~l~ Stayton. Coast Guard heavy. Hank ris also won. then JOined several of his teammates in the It was at this point in the campaign that armed forces. the Army Enlisted Reserve members were At the Eastern Intercollegiate tournament the called out and with them went Alexander, Nor- following week at Syracuse University, only man and Gavula. Shortly after, Ziegler was Chuck Godwin represented the Green and Gold. drafted for farm labor and these losses really Godwin. again, met up with the Coast Guard's hurt. Dave Scalibrini and this time the previous result With a patched up line-up, however, the Marylanders were able to subdue an equally was reversed and Godwin was eliminated. riddled Indiana team. 6~-10. Green won by Thus concluded another boxing season at a T. K. O. as did Hall and Godwin. The Western Maryland. Taking everything into Teachers forfeited a couple of bouts, and Men- consideration. it was a most successful year and dell was held to a draw. Paughmau was held the coaching that Harry Jeffra did with such to a draw by the Indiana captain, rugged Steve limited material and with such heavy losses was Shuster. most outstanding. 97
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