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Terry's conversion made the Western Maryland student. will go in the Navy . hurt in total 28. the Boston game. but came back strong. Whether the Gettysburg game be taken as a easy going . great wrestler. win or loss. the locals' season may still be tabbed as a very fine one. Counting the Bullets contest Frank Suffern his touchdown beat Dick- in the win column the Terrors came up with a inson end tal! ... rangy ... Dutch record of five wins, three losses. and one tie . concentrates on basketball. . plays it well Under a new system. new coaches, and critical . found time to boot a couple extra points conditions. Western Maryland has done very also did some kick off. well in keeping up when many other sc~ools of Manny Kaplan triple threat in many its size were compelled to stop athletic com- ways passes. kicks. runs .. football. petition basketball, baseball .. the Terrors' all-round l?laying their last college football game for athlete.. calls the plays.. good brain the Terrors this season were six seniors. and all versatile .. headed into the army with the rest of them deserve a word of praise. First of all except Allan there was Mike Phillips-hounded by the draft But also one must pay tribute to the rest of all season. but still in there playing his great the football club and not just the seniors. defensive game at center ... a guy who didn't There was Otts O'Keefe who had a great year. know when to quit and didn't. a perfect Otts led t he Terror offense and tallied five touch- captain an All-Maryland center and on downs great open-field runner and deadly several All-Opponent teams. a great guy tackler. Tom Terry fine punter. with a great sense of humor. . the Galupe equally as good as a passer and plunger. a fighter. now with Uncle Sam. Dick Koester . fine end as a freshman ... Then there was Gus alone without his Joe Kugler. . big and fast. Chuck Godwin gUltar. . 60-minute man to the end ... one a scoring threat fast . shifty and of the hardest to get around. a fellow who tough George Pia vis . another fine line- put all in the game that he had saved up during Curly Coffman injured but the week . didn't need any practice. c~pable. .. George Norman. a .rugged another scrapper. . easy going and likeable lineman at tackle or guard. Bill Pening ron. .. that's Bernie Guskcsky. fine reserve. who saw a lot of action Arlie Bull Ba n-ick-c--a good lineman another Mansberger hurt badly in practice. Arlie of the guys who puts all in any game would have been great help. Bart Norman serious and quiet. the Bull can be counted a fine tackle. but forced out of action due on when the going is tough ... selected on the to a bad shoulder. . Hymie Dervitz saw action Gold Bug All-American with Gus. Ons. and as a frosh.. Stan Kilakowski. All these Mike fine student and fine guy boys and man v more sum up the year of foot- !.l:an Coben. tackle strong and ball at Western Maryland. A year in which •aggressive . a fine sense of humor . good Ioor Sall may bow out for the duration . Cheering Section Practice 92
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