Page 104 - YB1943
P. 104
HAUBHL L ED by Coach Smith Leroy Byham West- ern Maryland's varsity baseball team is eagerly looking forward to tbc 1943 campaign. Byham. who has played a great deal of baseball in both college and pro-fields, is pleased with the work of the Terrors thus far. and has almost decided on a starting line-up that should be intact for the remainder of the season. Assisted by Ted Lau x. the Terrors are quickly rounding into shape and should have the best season in some time. Captained by Lee Lodge. the 1943 outfit has a veteran outfield and a seasoned battery com- bined. Only at first and second base will the Green and Gold positions be in doubt. for four capable men are fighting it out for these posts. The battery that will start the majority of the contests will be the same as last year with Captain Lodge doing the pitching and Tom Terry the catching. Hitchcock hits one Strike one, Lodge Standing: Byham, Coffman, Preston, Hitchcock, Hancock, Lodge, Terreshinski, Barrick, Robinson, Kaplan, Laux, DeManss. Kneelhl.g: Summers, G. Rosenstock, Feldman, Godwin, Caruso, Savitsky, Buckingham. 100
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