Page 103 - YB1943
P. 103
TENNIS Left to right: Baylics, Yingling, Paugher, Hurt, Morey, Yolk, Rosenstock. SEEKING to better their great season of 13 These two also combine to form a tough wins against I loss in 1942. Western Mary- doubles team. In number three spot is Ken land's 1943 tennis team got otT on the right foot Volk and in the fourth slot will be the last of in their first match of the new campaign by the four veterans. Bill Baylics. Yolk and Bay- polishing off Loyola's Greyhounds in the only lies also form a strong doubles combine and in match thus far in the season by a 5-3 count. singles last season both boys had streaks of ~:;,~~~:~7:':Y:~~~;:::~J;;:'~fg~~,~(:;~t~~~i~:;~;~~:f~~F~f';h~t~:;~~t~2];~i~'~'k;:'~ year's team an undefeated one. Coached again by the veteran Frank Hurt, Coach Hurt is hoping for a highly successful season in that it may be the last tennis season the Terrors have a fine nucleus with which to work. Hurt has experienced men in all but one for the duration. In the last seven years he has position. and has appointed Bo Baugher as cap- brought the Terrors to five championships and tain of rhc six. Baugher is again in the number the lads are defending the Mason-Dixon title one spot and Harry Yingling in the second slot. this year for the second straight time. Baylies, left Baugher, right 99
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