Page 105 - YB1943
P. 105
Left to right: Lan dou r', Holloway, Brooks, F. Cook, Mnkosky, Lavin. GOLF HARD hit by the losses to the armed forces. Holloway, Jr .. who has the number one spot the Green Terror golf ream. last year's winner this year. of its own Invitation Tournament. faced the The first match of the season found Loyola most difficult schedule in its history. The in- bowing in a 4-to-2 match on the local course. duction of Dick Hausler and Mike Phillips, two Holloway and Brooks won their matches for two points. and teamed with their partners. of last year's top three players. into the Army Lavin and Cook. to win both matches for two caused Coach John D. Makosky to revise his more points. The latter two dropped a close lineup considerably. decision to their opponents. Back from last year's team were Tom Lavin, The remainder of the schedule includes a who last year. playing number four. had the return match with Loyola. single meets with best record of the season: Francis Cook. who Navy and Johns Hopkins. and home-and-home has shown rapid improvement: Paul Brooks. a matches with Georgetown and George Wash- regular for the first time this season; and Fred mgton. 101
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