Page 98 - YB1943
P. 98
VARSITY BASKETBALL Stalldhlg: Gusgesky, lIut1tager; Resnick, Yolk, Michelfelder, Kulakowski, Ferguson, coach. Sitthlg: Suffern, Robinson, captahl.; Mogowski, Lodge. THIRTEEN wins and five losses - that is Coffman took over number one reserve duty. the record of the Terror basketball team over One thing must be said about the Big Green the regular season of play. 1942-43. Coached team of this season. When they were "on" by Lieut. Bruce Ferguson. the Terror cagers there was no team that could match them. but were in high hopes of bringing home the Mason- when they had a bad night the lack of reserve Dixon title. but were upset in the play-offs and strength would certainly tell. They compiled had to be content with the season that lay the best record of any team outside of the behind them. And a good season ir was. for leagues play that the Terrors have put on the the Green and Gold finished second in the State floor in quite some time. The Terrors placed race and third in the Mason-Dixon League in four of their starting five among the ten top ~he best year of basketball at Western Maryland scorers of the state. Ncmo Robinson led the 1Il many a year. Terrors in scoring for the regular season with Captained by Nemo Robinson. the Terrors 1.59 points but in the play-off, Lee ,Lodge tal- bad on hand a veteran crop of performers for lied 15 points to take the scoring title for the the coming campaign There was Frank Suf- whole season with 171 tallies. Robinson was fern. a regular for three years: Lee Lodge. Ed next with J 64 markers followed by Frank Suf- Mogowski and Manny Kaplan. These five car- fern with 159, and Ed Mogowski with 154. ried the brunt of the burden throughout the Memorable to the Terror fans this year was campaign and composed the starting five In the usual hotly contested game with Loyola. In reserve the Terrors had a newcomer. Stan Gill Gym. the Terrors rallied in the final min- Krlakowski. a fine shot: but lost Stan to the utes of play to edge out their ancient rival in a army just before the playoffs. Then Curly typical Western Marvland-Lovols fashion. 37- 94
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