Page 99 - YB1943
P. 99
Boz does his stuff! Loyola game 34. The loss of two scoring stars for Loyola gcrous under the basket led Terrors in gave the Terrors an easier triumph later in the scoring in '42 with 256 points. . lost for the season. duration Also an outstanding game. and probably the Stan Kulakowski. . played first season of best of the year for the Terrors. was their annual college ball . great set shot .. now in the fray with Gettysburg. In this contest the Green army ... scrapper and fine on the boards. team took the measure of the favored Bullets by will be back after the war. ,\ 40-30 count. It was especially pleasing after the results of the previous football season. Four seniors played their last cage game for the Terrors in the tourney. and the fifth will be bowing out of college athletics for the duration. So it will be the job of the Terror coach to build an entirely new tearn for the coming season. Lost arc Frank Suffern. a fine outside shot ... big ... smooth ball handler. a center and forward . dead from the corner .. for four years a regular leading scorer in sopho- more year. . Lee Lodge leading scorer of the team. fine defensive player good set shot .. fast hard worker ... fighter.. played three years of varsity ball beat Loyola in sopho- more year Nemo Robinson ... captain ... aggressive led team from guard position . good rebound man ... always moving. sets a fast pace was leading point getter in non-league games. Mann,( Kaplan ... gets around fast for so much weight ... fine p
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