Page 117 - YB1942
P. 117
friendly rival, by a 48 to 3 I count, in a benefit game at Frederick. American Uni- versity's one-point victory was wiped out in a 66 to 55 Terror victory at the Eagles' gym later in the season, and all other league basketeers were humbled without too much trouble. In non-conference tilts, the Terrors' toughest foe, Washington and Jefferson, eked out a 31 to 29 win in Gil! Gym in one of the smoothest ball games of the season. The Presidents boasted a 39 to 38 win over West Virginia University's Cagcrs, who won the Invitation Tourney in Madison Square Garden later in the season by beating Long Island University, Toledo, and other top- notch clubs. Serving as Terror coach for his first season, Rip Engle, varsity mentor, welcomed e:.a"h Engle call." shot for Captain Bia&i. with open arms a veteran crop of perform- ers who had won the Mason-Dixon crown the year before. Rip, well-liked and easy opponents. lrv was selected All-Maryland to get along with, brought the Terrors again fa]' the 1942 season, and captained for through many crucial times and continually the second straight year Maryland College expressed his deep interest and sincere All-Stars in a benefit game at Baltimore. loyalty. This was his third season on the mythical Heading the 1941-1942 squad was Cap- club, having gained a second team slot in his tain Irv Biasi, for four years both an offen- sophomore year. sive and defensive threat to all league Back from last season's championship combination with Biasi were Lee Lodge, Frank Suffern, Royce Gibson, Nemo Robin- Biasi ,ries for a field goal n' MO)unt St. Mary'S. son, and Manny Kaplan, while Ed Mogow- ski, Arlie Mnnsberger, and Otrs O'Keeffe came up from a very good freshman club. Suffern and Robinson teamed at the for- ward posts, Mogowski gained the center slot, and Lodge and Biasi played together at the guard positions. Royce Gibson, senior reserve who played some of the best ball on the club, along with Arlie Mnnsberger and Ocrs O'Keeffc were alceruares with the first five. Also on hand were Manny Kaplan, Jim Robey, and Larry \'{1inbrow. Next season, the Terrors will be faced with the difficulty of replacing Capmin Biasi, Royce Gibson, and Rip Engle. These three, who all played a major role in the cage campaign, will be sadly missed, Biasi and Gibson via graduation, and Engle through his promotion to line coach at Brown University.
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