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COLLINSON COIJNCELL CULLIGAN CUI\I]'.I1NS JUJ.lA HOSE Cot.t.rxsore-c.Symparhettc and fun-loving, with the courage of her convictions .. her dry humor has enlivened many occasions.. dainty and efficient . . has undying zeal for bridge and ginger . excellent taste in clothes and shows it in her dress. CATfiERINt FLOSSIE COUNCELL-A diligent and industrious worker ... takes Ii scholarly and spirited altitude toward her college work, in which she is thoroughly int.erested. . u member of J. G. C. all efficient libnu-iun, she is also a student of library suicnce. ELINOR MAllIlC CUI.LlGAN-Quiet and efficient, but can talk for hours about baseball, South. ern Maryland and mystery stories ... calm and unruffled, nothing seems to worry her ... has a good sense of humor she can appreciate both puns and Dr. Whitfield's "asides." PAUL KINSEY CUM~IINS-Philosophy his obsession, ministry his profession earnest and deliberative ... prominent figure in most of the social and religious activities on the campus .. member of Pi Alpha Alpha. actively associated with Student Study Groups.
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